For the past 10 days, a trial was taking place in Washington County for a lawsuit that our family filed against the Parkhill Clinic doctors. Without going into too much details, Leah suffered from high blood pressure at the end of her pregnancy, was not admitted for delivery and finally, when she was admited 3 days later and after almost 15 hours of labor, gave birth to Kinly Diane. Leah was then discharged from Willow Creek without ever beening seen by a doctor. Two days later she collapsed and never regained consciousnes.
For the past 10 days our family was in the courtroom reliving the nightmare of her death. We cried, we laughed and were holding onto hope for justice. Yesterday the verdict was announced and it was not in our favor.
As you can imagine we were devestated but the family put up a good fight. I wanted to thank everybody who was sending prayers up for us. Now all we can do is make a plea to every expecting mother in Northwest Arkansas to carefully consider their doctors. Do your research and know the history of your doctor. Oh and by the way, Leah's doctor was Robert Hix. We do not want this happening to any other family.
Leah, I love you so much and miss you terribly, especially now that I am planning my wedding. Just like I was a bridesmaid in your wedding, you would have been one in mine. Kinley is growing up to be just like her mama- sassy as ever. We love her and are so blessed to have a living piece of you with us. I can't wait to see you again someday and hope you are having a very Merry Christmas with the angels!