Tuesday, October 13, 2009

20 Years Ago Today

20 years ago today, Spencer and I lost our mom and one month earlier, JD lost his Dad and two spouses lost their other halves.

20 years ago today, two families were hit with devestation but little did we know, a new family was about to be formed.

20 years ago today, a car accident and a sudden heart attack changed our lives. We thought things would never be good again. But, God had another plan in mind for us. Through these tragedies, he brought two broken families together. Spencer and I gained another wonderful mother and JD was given another amazing Dad.

We never know what will happen each day or how our lives will change, but through my family's life experiences, I know God has a plan for each and every one of us and He will take care of each of us.


Kenlie Posey said...

God works in wonderful ways, no doubt! And it is so obvious what he is doing with you and your family. You are so strong and so blessed!

Amy and Jerry said...

We love you Mer! You guys are an awesome family that definitely is living proof that you must fully enjoy today because we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Jana Lynn said...
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Jana Lynn said...

Oh Mere! I saw you yesterday, but I hadn't read this yet... What a beautiful tribute to God's perfect timing. We don't always understand, but we have to always trust that it is perfect timing and continue to be faithful. The Harper's have been extremely blessed to have the Adams family as our friends. We love all of you!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Meredith. You're absolutely right - God always knows better than us. Even when we don't understand, He's still God, and I still choose to trust Him.